Sunday, 17 June 2018

For The Birds

The only thing I love more than the trees in Australia are the birds (and koalas) who live in them.  No wonder these fine feathered friends have ended up being my inspiration for many ornaments. I've even learned about many a birdy I didn't know through commissions. For example, the bush curlew was lovely grandma's favourite bird so I was contacted about making one. The legs ended up a challenge but I was happy in the end.

Some people Cockatoos as a bit of a pest but I am still thrilled every time I spot a flock! The Cockatoo is the subject of my newest pattern due for release next week in my Etsy store ((To go to my Etsy Shop Here!!).  I had no idea there are so many varieties. There are at least thirteen from what I have read.  I have attempted to capture the beauty of the Galah, Sulpher Crested, Major Mitchell's and Red Tailed Black Cockatoos. Hopefully some of you guys will enjoy making them!!